Adjust your budget to your ideal monthly ad spend. You will notice that Google Ads will automatically set your monthly budget to 30.4 (the average number of days in a month) times the daily budget you previously had. This may or may not be your ideal monthly ad spend.
Mid-month budget changes: When you adjust your budget mid-month, your new monthly budget will be the amount you can expect your campaign to spend within that calendar month.
Mid-month campaign launch: When you launch a campaign mid-month, the maximum you will pay is prorated based on the launch date.
Your campaign pauses mid-month and gets re-enabled that same month: In this scenario, your campaign will still spend the budget that’s set when your campaign gets re-enabled.
An example: Your campaign launches on March 1st with a $7,000 budget. You spend $2,000 and pause your campaign on March 10th. If you re-enable on March 25th, your campaign can still expect to spend up to $7,000 so long as the monthly budget is still set.