How can we help you?



We’re proud to have a cancellation policy of 30 days during the first six months.
You get billed monthly, and the amount depends on your ad spend and how many countries you run through Amanda AI. See our pricing page for more info.
Yes, yes you will. We will only charge you the monthly fee for using our services, and your advertising spend is still charged through whatever payment method you have set up on the platforms.



Amanda AI for Google works on the display network, YouTube, Shopping, Search, and Performance Max.
We only offer Meta to clients who already run Amanda AI for Google. On Meta, you can run ads on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Whatsapp, and the Audience Network.

Fix a problem

Fix a problem

Our robot can technically create up to thousands of ads every day, and some of them might be disapproved. This is nothing to worry about though.

Get started

Get started

We are totally integration-free. No need to involve your developers in setting up Amanda AI.
We optimize your ads with a simple three-step process. All day. Every day. And it goes like this…
Getting started with us is practically risk-free. We’ll begin to allocate a small part of the budget to your new Amanda AI-run campaigns.
Getting started with Amanda Ai is easy and quick. It usually takes about one week to get all the information we need to get you going depending on which channels you want to run with Amanda AI.

Other questions

Other questions

No cookie, no cry. We don’t use attribution models but rather an effect model. The effect model is exactly what it sounds — more effective.
We don’t believe in long contracts with tons of fine print where you are tied up for years. Using Amanda AI for your business should be easy. All of our contracts are on a rolling 30-day basis.
You can currently run ads on Google, Meta, and Bing.



As we involve humans across teams across the company, we take a fixed fee of €500 per market per channel to set up new markets. Contact us for a quote if you want to set up many markets simultaneously.
We’ll add all your payments to one monthly invoice — including all markets and channels. We won’t send you an invoice for your advertising spend; this is paid through the platform as you normally would.
You’ll automatically transfer price plan if your ad spend changes from one month to another.
We won’t invoice you for your ad spend. This is still paid through Google, Meta, or Bing. We’ll only invoice you the fee for using our services.

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