The best marketing campaigns are a mix of art and science. But how can brands augment their hunches with data? Let’s explore the concept of data-driven marketing campaigns and how they can help you get better results.
The AAARR framework allows brands to break down the buyer’s journey into distinct phases. Because each phase has its own metrics, this process increases the accessibility of the audit process and helps brands remedy any friction that is hurting revenue.
High-performing retargeting strategies of the past are being affected by the removal of third-party cookies. What does that mean for marketing teams, and can they find ways to recover?
As marketing budgets get slashed, marketing teams need to find a way to do more with less. One good place to start is by getting a better ROI on your Meta Ads budget. Here are some tips on how you can do it.
Recessions pressure marketing teams to justify their spending and budgets. However, more precise and cost-efficient solutions can help advertisers produce better results. Our automated advertising robot is here to help you get out of your marketing slump.
Meta Ads are a popular choice for digital marketers. The platform offers incredible reach and quick results and is suitable for B2B and B2C advertising. However, Meta has lost some ground over the last few years regarding conversion tracking and attribution.

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