Your ads, powered by millions of smart decisions
A proven method that puts your ads ahead.
Keep your campaigns performing at their best, no matter what the market throws at you—without manual interference.
Trusted by businesses worldwide

Efficiency beyond traditional limits
We're working 24/7 to get you the best possible results by seamlessly managing your campaigns and providing constant attention and optimization across channels. Amanda AI ensures continuous, hands-on improvement while you stay in control, deciding exactly when and where to deploy the AI.
- Best possible optimization of your campaigns
- Reduce time spent in your accounts
- Total control of when to deploy the AI

Budget where it counts
Want to know how your budget is best spent? Amanda AI removes the stress of budget management by carefully calculating where your investment has the highest impact while continuously evaluating the best move ahead.

Platform partners
Powered by the best in the business
We believe in partnering with the best to deliver the best. Our partnerships allow us to integrate with channels that matter most. Together we’re not just riding the wave of innovation, we’re creating it.

Meet the humans behind Amanda AI
Meet the
humans behind Amanda AI
Schedule a call and we'll show you what you're winning with Amanda AI.